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… tis the season…

December 21, 2011

Dear Readers,

Amazingly, it’s that time of year again. Not, I’m not talking about menorah candles or trimmed trees or divinely begotten babies or even ho! ho! ho!-ing.

It’s the time of year I take a break.

No, no – not because I need a break from you. How could you even think such things! But because I just need to unplug for a bit (although… not really, as I’ve got some deadlines coming hard and fast – and not in the good way – that require me to stay somewhat plugged).

SO this is my official sign-off, from now until the first Tuesday (for my usual Tree-Hugger) after the New Year. Following that post, Simone and I will be starting our joint project – we really hope you’ll be back to give thoughts and feedback on that!

I did want to leave you with more than jolly wishes for a wonderful season and a happy New Year. First, I have been very lucky to have two guest posts go up in the past week:

For Serious Nikki, check out my piece over at the Good Men Project: Why Are So Many Good Men Accepting Of Rape Culture? (the comments alone are ridic – feel free to add your thoughts on that here to avoid the trolls).

If serious ain’t your thang during the holidays, head over to Met Another Frog for a little naughty this season! My post is here: The Naughty Boy’s Gift

Check them out if you need a break from the holiday and please leave me a note to let me know what your think!

~ ♦◊ ♦~

Second, one last mini-post for 2011…

Prior to my first trip this fall, my yoga teacher and I were discussing how to keep my practice going while I was away. During this discussion, my teacher said it was important that I practiced every day, even if it was only sun salutations, in order to keep the thread of my practice going.

This phrase resonated with me, and I hope to leave it with you, as we move through the chaos and stress and joy of the holidays, and towards the end of 2011.

The New Year is often when we talk about change. About new beginnings. Resolutions to do things differently. Hope for new things, better things, different things, as we leave behind one year and enter a new one. We sometimes contemplate the past. We look back over the year we’re winding down and make Top Ten lists and Best Of inventories.

But… do we ever make real connection between the last year and the coming one?

Do we think about the threads we want to keep creating, to tie all we’ve worked on into what we’re going to do? The practices we want to keep going?

This New Year, I won’t ask you for resolutions. Instead, I ask: How will you connect 2011 with 2012? What are the threads you want to keep weaving through this time of change?

Leave me some love and something to contemplate while I’m not posting, and see you in the New Year!

Much love,


No, neither of the people in this pic are me. Not even the one with the beard. I did take it, though.

21 Comments leave one →
  1. December 21, 2011 11:53 am

    Have a great break and a very merry Christmas!

    Much Love,

    • December 21, 2011 1:00 pm

      You as well, Bob! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  2. December 21, 2011 12:15 pm

    I shall miss my fellow #basassgirlcult club member these next couple of weeks, but I look forward to your return. As I said in my last post, I don’t make New Years resolutions. Every day I just try and take the next healthy step forward–physically and mentally. True, that doesn’t always work and I usually end up falling on my ass, but I try.

    Happy Holidays to you!

    • December 21, 2011 1:02 pm

      When we fall on our asses, it’s not about the fall, but about how we get back up! 😀

      Yes – resolutions on one day a year are silly and less than helpful… I usually try to reflect instead.

      Happy Holidays!

  3. December 21, 2011 12:15 pm

    That was supposed to be “Badassgirlcult.” For that, I think I should kick myself out.

    • December 21, 2011 1:01 pm

      LOLz!!! It would take more than calling us Bas Asses to get you kicked out! 😀

  4. December 21, 2011 3:57 pm

    Here’s to a great Christmas with all good things it entails and to a fabulous 2012! I hope you will have a great break.

    Bring on 2012! I actually said to myself today, I can look back at this year in two ways… all that went apeshit with it’s drama and general mess or I can chose to learn from the mess and fondly remember the great moments. Having you and the blog community there has been just fantastic and that is what I will smile over when I look back.


    • December 22, 2011 12:36 am

      You have had QUITE a year, Miss Blaise! I kind of think it’s been incredible… all that you’ve dealt with and the changes you have made. You definitely have some things to look back on, and focus on the awesome stuff and the ways in which you’ve grown and changed.

      I agree that having the blogging community has been amazeballs. I never ever expected that. Not once. I have all these friends I’ve never met, but I love reading about their lives and their thoughts… I’ve also learned so much from everyone! I am thankful you and I have been in touch – even though I’ve been terrible about it sometimes!

      A wonderful Christmas to you and a very happy New Years! See you in 2012!

  5. December 21, 2011 8:25 pm

    Happy Holidays, Nikki! I never make resolutions. And I can’t even say why I don’t. I don’t think they’re dumb or anything. Perhaps I’m just not motivated. Maybe that should be my resolution, to become more motivated. But how does one get motivated to be more motivated? I suppose now I know why I don’t make resolutions.

    Anyway, thanks for all your wonderful, thoughtful posts. Keep on truckin’, girl!

    • December 22, 2011 12:38 am

      Maybe you’re just that awesome. Have you thought about that? I vote that’s the reason you don’t make resolutions. I’ve read your blog. It makes me laugh out loud in quiet rooms. That’s pretty awesome.

      You keep posting too! I need some laughs in the new year! XOXO!

  6. December 22, 2011 12:18 am

    Your sexy short story proves my suspicions: It pays to be naughty. I knew I went wrong somewhere.

    • December 22, 2011 12:39 am

      See, they tell you that being naughty will get you coal. I call bullshit. In fact, our burlesque company had a holiday show at the North Pole, and the head elf (our emcee) says “you don’t get coal for being naughty, you get coal for being a shithead.”

      You’re not a shithead, so maybe it’s time to be naughty. 😉

  7. December 22, 2011 4:45 am

    See you on the 2012 side!
    My best wishes.

    I’ve posted the Good Man’s project on fb and my friends and I had a pretty good debate o that. So thanks.

    Enjoy your brake. Virtual hugs 😉

    • December 23, 2011 11:55 am

      See you next year, lady! Glad to hear some discussion and debate continued… that is the point, after all!

      XXOO *hugs* right back!

  8. December 22, 2011 9:51 am

    Merry Christmas girl! and in 2012, we shall meet. I promise 😉

    • December 23, 2011 11:56 am

      Merry Christmas to you, too! We will *definitely* meet next year – it should be a resolution! 😀

  9. December 27, 2011 6:34 pm

    I miss you already. I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday and break!

  10. December 28, 2011 2:32 pm

    ugh. you so sneaky!! I for sure thought that was you. I mean with the sunglasses and hat it still could be :/

    you toy. you toy with the emotions.

    Well my dearest i hope you have a fabbbbulous new year. I know one thread that will continue is the #badassgirlcult and our first ever meet up in March yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!

  11. December 29, 2011 11:48 pm

    Funny, for me the holidays are about getting replugged. . . i lose touch with the interwebs in the weeks leading up to the holidays, as work gets busier (why pets prefer to get sick in December, I do not understand), and social obligations increase. . . then I run away for a week, hide in my dad’s house, fairly permenantly attached to my laptop getting reaquainted 😉

    anyhow. i’m very excited for 2012. for all kinds of reasons 🙂
    Hope you’re having a lovely holiday season. . . and with any luck I’ll see ya in March 😉

    I do like that idea of threads. . . and it fits really well for me and this time of transition. . . there’s nothing I really want to tackle in a resolution sense this coming month, but there’s a lot of changes I made these past few months that I want to pick back up and carry through.

    • January 3, 2012 2:50 pm

      Yes, exactly – on the threads thing. We sometimes focus so much on change, when maybe we’ve already made some significant progress, and the point is maintaining that.

      Badassgirlcult meeting = YES!!!!

  12. January 3, 2012 11:31 am

    Thank you for all the love guys! It’s been an interesting break, but it’s cool… just somewhat difficult with my sis and all…

    Hope y’all had an amazing holiday and NYE! Welcome to 2012!

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